Core message of the Ramayana

Good deeds are the means to reach a higher planeand likewise bad deeds lead to destruction and doom — is the ultimate message that the Ramayana teaches, said Sri R. Krishnamurthy Sastrigal in a discourse. The truth that each one is responsible for his acts, good and bad and will have to face the consequences is strongly stressed. It is shown that even birds and animals will be of assistance to one who treads the right path; but to him who chooses the wrong path, even one’s kith and kin cannot be of any help. Ravana’s glories are innumerable and even Rama and Hanuman heap spontaneous praises on his attainments and achievements. But he commits the sin of coveting another man’s wife and

scripts his own self destruction. Rama and Sita in their role

as mortals show that human sorrow is inevitable and affects

all, whatever may be one’s temperament, scholarship, lineage, etc. Lakshmana on many occasions ponders on the

unfairness of the happenings in Rama’s life.

Rama too breaks out in despair when Virata carries away

Sita in a trice. He tells Lakshmana, “This is unbearable.

Kaikeyi must have known all this when she sent us to the

forest.” Rama’s reaction only reflects the psychological reality

of an individual in trying circumstances. Rama’s qualities

of compassion and kindness, his readiness to lend a helping

hand to all, his nature to pardon the faults in people, and his

adherence to truth stand as the very basis of this grand epic.

The Lord’s vow to protect those in distress is another

straight message of hope to humanity. When Rama accepts

Vibhishana against much opposition from Sugriva, Lakshmana and others, he quells their doubts about any possible foul play on the part of the rakshasas and states that even if it is Ravana in Vibhishana’s form, He would protect him.
