Serving Siva’s devotees

Sivagnana Bodham says that if one worships Lord Siva, the

three blemishes, anavam (ego), kanmam (karma) and maya

(illusion) are destroyed. And yet, when Saint Sundarar went

into the temple at Tiruvarur, the Lord was not pleased because Sundarar had not paid his respects to the Lord’s devotees who were present.

The Lord told Sundarar to sing of them before he praised

Him. Lord Siva even gave him the opening words. Sundarar

listed the names of all the Saivite saints and gave the list the

title Tiruthondar Thogai, said M.A. Manickavelu in a discourse.

Serving the Lord’s devotees gives Him the greatest pleasure.

The story of Ilayankudimara Nayanar shows that those

immersed in serving Lord Siva’s devotees are dismissive of

their own worries and troubles. Problems that they face

seem trivial to them.

Ilayankudimara Nayanar was a wealthy man, who was

known for serving food to devotees of Lord Siva. And it was

no ordinary meal that he served. The food was rich in all the

six tastes. Although he was wealthy, his wealth soon depleted  because of the expenses he incurred in providing

food to devotees. But even in poverty, his desire to serve devout Saivites was in no way diminished.

One night, Lord Siva decided to test his commitment and

appeared as a hungry devotee. There was nothing at all in

Ilayankudimara Nayanar’s house that he could offer to the

visitor. But he went out and picked up freshly sown grains

that the rains had exposed. His wife cooked the rice, and

with the greens her husband brought in, she made many

dishes to go with the rice.

The Lord revealed Himself in all His glory and blessed the

couple, who had gone to such lengths to provide food to His

