Steps to reach God

The saiva saints have in one voice proclaimed the glory of the one Supreme God and showed the way for salvation.Saiva Siddhantha is the colletive philosophical thought of the Tamil people that was fostered by the mystic experiences of realised souls when they felt the direct impact of God's grace and presence.As much as it discusses the truths of life and hereafter,its influential reach into the everyday way of life in raising the innate value befitting a noble human being is commendable.

A Jnani sees the truth beyond the apparent reality.For instance, a normal perception of a tree might focus on the obvious such as the leaves,flowers or fruits etc.But a Jnani is likely to look into the unseen aspects, such as the roots.

Thirumoolar's encylopaedic wisdom is relevant for all ages and shows ways to bring back harmony into the lives of people when they tend to go astray."Is it not a curse to be caught in this cycle because of our karma? Should you not have faith in Him who is omniscient and can show the path to rid you of the Karma that tosses you repeatedly into this cycle?" he asks. Since we take birth because of our Karma and can not escape its consequences, our only hope is to seek God who can save us from this fix.

he says that there was a time when he had despised the body but then when he saw God within he realized it is the Lord's temple and began preserving it with infinite care.The idea is that with the help of the body we can seek god.

But there are hurdles in this quest and god can be reached only step by step.We can not ignore the steps; we have to use them and go beyond them.With their help alone we can progress in spiritual wisdom.saint Thirunavukkarasar has shown the path of worship and service that leads to God.This body has to be used to worship God and through his example he showed how temples can be kept clean.

Contentment is celebrated as an ideal that aids us in this search.It is not something that one has to search for.neither can anyone make you contented since it is within each one of us.
