Vedas relevant for all ages

The holy utterances and the foundation for Hindu religion termed the vedas,are unique in that the revelations therein are not only relevant for all ages but they have raised several doubts which a commoner may harbour within him and have provided suitable and valid explanations.they are classified as exoteric and esoteric,the former dealing with the ceremonial acts and the latter with the acquisition of spiritual knowledge.

It may surprise the atheist who questions the existence of God and the significance of rituals,that more than 2000 identical queries had been raised in the Vedas.Of what purpose is the offer of oblations in sacrificial fire and what is the guarantee that they reach the concerned the usual challenge thrown by many have been answered convincingly.the token of offerings multiply themselves when handed over through the medium of fire even as a few seedlings sown in a tiny result in a bumper harvest.

The vedas were recited,in days of yore,to ensure the prosperity of citizens,scholars did not chant them for personal gains alone.God provided them with what they needed.The three monthly showers which used to regularly pour,were intended to honour the vedic pandits,the rulers who administered the kingdom efficiently and to women of chastity.

With faith in the vedic rituals,emperor Dasaratha,who had no child,-- conducted a sacrifice,invoking divine blessings.Contemporaneously,celestials appealed to the Lord to descend to the world and save the pious who were being tortured by evil forces.

In his discourse Sri Mukkur Lakshminarasimhachariar said God was born as Sri Rama to establish moral order.
