Vedas contain guidelines for Peace,harmony.

God has provided a manual for mankind to maintain harmony in the world because human achievements are possible only when there is peace.It is called "Dharma Saatra", which forms the first of the two major divisions of the Vedas,the other one being "Tathwa Sastra"

There is a mistaken impression among some that the Vedas advocate asceticism only.Far from this,they ask all to enjoy material pleasures but impose a simple condition that they should be within the constitutional framework of virtue(Dharma)

Another erroneous notion that the Vedas may be of no validity now should also be dispelled.When they tell people to speak the "Truth"' there can not be a change in its value whether uttered in the fifth century or in the present time.Not to utter falsehood is a norm that holds good for ever.

Indian culture is based on the fundamental scriptures known as the Vedas,whose traditions are timeless and have been passed on orally from the teachers to the disciples.having thus a divine origin,they ( Also called Srutis) contain directives which sustain the activities of the universe in an organised manner so that there is harmony and peace.To help maintain this harmony,everyone should see eye to eye.Extended further,this need for united action,will have to be applied to family,society and the nation.harmonious existence thus supports everything,from the individual to the cosmos.

Swami Paramatmananda in a lecture pointed out that what was required was not the creation of harmony but making people lead lives which do not disturb this already available God-given gift.Man has the powers to use or misuse it and so can disturb harmony because animals and plants will not indulge in this act.God has given this manual to man, as he alone requires it, since one can not talk of values to animals.Without giving an option, the Vedas direct him to follow the path of righteous conduct.

At the same time,the Vedas never say that men should not enjoy life,but they add,"Let this be in keeping with Dharma".The Vedas are not against material welfare.hence,the view among some that the Indians are not progressive because they are against materialism,is wrong.As people become more and more mature,they will realise that these worldly pleasures are of no consequence and discover that there is something more profound and of higher value.
