Uniqueness of vedic religion

Unifying people at all levels is an arduous task but it is necessary for the progress of human civilisation;otherwise only the law of jungle will prevail.One of the rare contributions of the Vedas is the insistence on unity among all.Achieving it should be based on the acceptance of diversity also.While collectivism is human culture,animals believe in isolationism.man's common prayer is "Let the people of universe prosper".

Unity in diversity at the world level is the favourite theory of Vedas.Even enemies should thrive but their wickedness should turn to goodness.A criticism ofetn directed against the Vedas is that their prayers and rituals are aimed only at the prosperity of a particular race or caste.It is not a fact.They are intended for the welfare of the entire humanity.Though Vedic seers lived in forests,their thinking related to the prosperity of the people at large.Their ideas originated from a divine source and hence they were uncontaminated by any prejudice based on caste,country or creed.

Aswamedayaga was aimed at bringing the whole world under one flag without bloodshed or war.The superior power,however, never exploited the minor kingdoms for political or economic considerations.The emperors upheld the dictum"All must Live".The Vedas similarly recognised the multitude of languages,different habits for the food,clothing and other customs which varied from country to country.A Rig Veda mantra urges all people to be good,in all walks of life.

Sri Agnihotram Ramanuja Thathachariar said no religion other than Vedic Religion tolerates the existence of another.It never claims any exclusiveness; nor does it destroy other religions by adopting authorized or unauthorized ways.As the fundamental theory is that God is one ,it becomes necessary to tolerate other religions.The Gita followed the idea of unity from the Vedas and applied it later to Hinduism only.

The Vedas advise people to approach God in any manner, by giving names and forms,so that He may become accessible to all.The pathways to God, according to them,are numerous but they all ultimately lead to the same goal.Renouncing fanaticism,the Vedas look at problems of the world with a broad outlook,which serves as the unique greatness of the Vedic religion.
