The Four Vedic Commandments

Even at the dawn of Indian History,the familiar questions used to be."Who is God?' and "Is He visible and perceivable?'.The Vedas-- Divine utterances annotated by sages with reference to specific contexts-- provide the answer.It is possible to experience God,the seers have assured,provided man becomes really human,shedding the beastly traits in him.In this connection, the following four commandments have been given priority: worship your mother;revere your father;obey your spiritual mentor;and honour your guest.If all these are observed scrupulously,they will certainly enable one to have the vision of god.

The prime dedication should go to the mother,who has delivered us into the world."She is a veritable God".Next is the father who tends us.The spiritual guide,the third in order,removes our ignorance,imparts knowledge and shows the path of God Realization.The Acharya,however should distinguish himself by the basic qualifications-- desirelessness and total detachment.Even God ,donning the robes of mortals bowed before Gurus.Then comes the true guest;he is one who remains indebted to the host for his hospitality.Lord Krishna chose to stay with the humble Vidhura instead of with the pompous Duryodhana as it would compel Him to be ever grateful to him.The difference between the two was while Vidhura told the Lord,"it is your house,please enter,"the haughty Duryodhana said "Come to my palace".

Sri N. Giridhari Prasad,in his discourse referred to the Nayamars,the Azhwars and others who have worshipped God as mother or father or both,as revealed in their outpourings.

Sri Rama,the ideal son,sacrificed an empire and smilingly retired to the forest to spend 14 years there,implicitly obeying His father.Another inimitable character in the scriptures was Bhisma who remained a celibate till his death to enable his father to remarry and enjoy worldly pleasures.
