All religions point to the same goal

All religions lead to the same goal and one religion is not in any way inferior or superior to the other.The goal is one, though the paths to reach it may be different.hence people can take guidance from all of them but it is necessary to follow one path and one master.All creations of God without discrimination of caste,creed or colour have the privilege to sing His praise,worship Him and adopt methods to realise Him.

Wealth should be used for chartiable purposes,scholastic attainments and knowledge to serve humanity and to undertake pious works, the power of speech to help others in their advancement and intellect for the realisation of God.

"Who is superior,you or the dog"asked a person when he saw a saintly looking man,and a dog sleeping by his side.Without any ill-feeling,he replied:"Superiority does not belong to any one,but he who aspires to serve the Lord is indeed greater.One who merely enjoys worldly pleasures will only be wasting his life."

A king who once desired to know which religion is the best,summoned several spiritual leaders to debate on this question but each claimed that his was the most appealing.
While the king was puzzled, an old man (Lord Dattatreya in disguise) took him to a river,promising to give a suitable answer to his doubt if they could cross it and reach the other side.The king brought many boats but the old man rejected all of them giving some excuse.The exasperated king ultimately compelled him to get into one and on reaching the other bank,wanted an answer.The old man disappeared and the king realised that just as he had chosen a raft,which though not perfect, had carried them safely across, so too, any religion he liked would serve its purpose.

God pervades the entire universe and is a witness to all of our actions and hence a wrong done in secret does not enjoy immunity.Sri ganapathi sachidananda Swami in a lecture, said a teacher was once preaching that God is present everywhere.To test how far the disciples had assimilated what he had taught,the teacher gave each one of them a fruit asking them to eat it in a place where no one will see them.Nine out of ten went to different inaccessible spots and consumed the fruits.One boy alone returned saying:
"I find no place where God does not exist".The teacher was happy that the student had understood that God is omnipresent and none can hide any of his acts from him.
