Divine Guidance

What is the secret to live joyfully every single day?
Cultivate one-pointed steadfastness in whatever you do. Samadrishti (Equal mindedness) is the right and auspicious outlook (Subhadrishti). All creation must appear to your eyes as equally auspicious. You must look upon all beings with much love and faith as your own kith and kin. For, there is no evil in any creation... not even an iota! Evil appears as such only through faulty vision. Creation gets colored by the nature of the glasses we wear. By itself, it is eternally pure and holy.

What is truly responsible for the different degrees of sorrows and joys that people experience in this world?

Creation involves the putting together of substances. What is put together must come apart, in course of time and get liberated. The individual is created and so he has to disintegrate and die. Now some are born happy, and enjoy healthy, happy lives. Some are born miserable. Others are born without hands or legs, or are feeble-minded or defectives. Who hurt them or injured them? God is proclaimed as just and kind. It can be argued: how can such a God ever be so partial and prejudiced? How can such differential treatment come into the realm ruled by God? Such doubts are natural. But the vision of the sages of ancient India who moulded the thought of this land revealed to them that God is not the cause of these differences. They are the consequences of the acts indulged in by the individual in lives previous to the present one. They result in happiness and misery, health and handicaps. Good and bad are self-made, the effects of what was done in previous lives.

How crucial is our speech and how can we utilise it in the best manner possible?

If your foot slips, you earn a fracture; if your tongue slips, you fracture some one's faith or joy. That fracture can never be set right; that wound will fester forever. The softer you talk, the less you talk, and the sweeter you talk, the better for you and the world.

How can we experience the Universe as a reflection of the Lord?

It is wrong to take the Universe and its Lord as different. It is a delusion. It is a product of your imagination. So long as you have this delusion, you cannot visualize the Reality immanent in you. Also, you will slide into wrong thoughts, words and deeds. A piece of sandal wood if kept in water will produce a bad smell. But, if taken out and rubbed into a paste, its perfume will return. When the authorities of the Vedas and Sastras are respected, and when discrimination is sharpened on the practice of good actions, the evil smell of the wrong and wickedness will vanish and the pure innate perfume of the Self will emerge. Then the duality of the doer and the enjoyer will disappear. You will realise that just as your image under the water is not different from you, the Universe is the same as He.
