Doctrine of surrender

An incident known only to Rama and Sita is narrated to

Hanuman by Sita when she gives her jewel, Chudamani to

be handed over to Rama. It had happened in Chitrakuta

when they were alone and Rama had placed his head on

Sita’s lap and slept. Indra’s son Jayanta who appeared in the

form of a crow had taunted her repeatedly. When Rama

woke up, and realised the evil intention of the crow, he

aimed an arrow that pursued the victim tenaciously. After

seeking refuge with many, the crow finally had to come back

to Rama for pardon.

In a discourse, Kalyanapuram Sri Aravamudhachariar

drew attention to Vedanta Desika’s text Abhaya Pradana

Sara that showcases the Ramayana as exemplifying the doctrine of surrender.

Together Rama and Sita are seen to uphold their vow to

not only protect the erring souls from the various kinds of

distress they may face in life but also offer the promise of

salvation to those desirous of it. The Kakasura incident reflects the plight of all jivatmas who finally have to seek this

ultimate refuge, says Vedanta Desika.

It is also shown that the Divine Mother is a cut above the

Lord in her love and concern for all jivatmas and untiringly

pleads with the Lord for their forgiveness and protection. In

the case of Ravana, Sita though a captive who is constantly

threatened by him, is unafraid to advise Ravana to mend his

ways and not continue with the grave sin of coveting another

man’s wife. She indicates Rama’s Paratva for He alone

is the refuge to all.

She tells Ravana that even if he does not surrender, it

would be wise if he merely adopts a friendly stance towards

Him. This would save Lanka and his people from further destruction.

Trijata sees Sita as a refuge and entreats the rakshasis

to seek her feet instead of threatening her.
