True believer

The Vamana Purana says that if a person thinks of Lord Mahavishnu as dear to him, and is also considered dear by the Lord, then such a person will never have rebirth. The Pandavas were such ideal devotees. The Kalpaka vriksha tree and the divine cow Kamadhenu can both grant a person his desires, but are they approachable? The Lord, who alone can grant moksha, will be with us always, if we love Him, said Akkarakkani Srinidhi, in a discourse. A true believer
knows this. Arjuna was the recipient of the Gita, because he was one such believer. In the Bhagavad Gita (Chapter 9, verse 22),He assures us that in the case of one who constantly thinks of Him, He Himself will ensure the devotee’s spiritual progress. But the important thing is to never doubt Him.

A pandit once lost faith in the Lord, and blacked out this particular verse, in his collection of Gita verses. One day, a boy visited his house, when he was away. The boy brought with him lots of gifts to be offered to the pandit, because the boy wanted to be accepted as the pandit’s pupil. When the pandit returned home, his wife described the boy to him. She said the boy had been blue hued, and his lips were black in colour. The pandit understood the significance of the black lips. He ran up to his collection of Gita verses, and found that the blacking which he had used to black out the verse, disappeared, and the verse, on the Lord’s assurance that He will save His devotee, was once more visible.
